The first picture perfectly captures our first day in Belfast - sitting at a Gaelic football field sipping on a Guinness. Jacob and I decided to take a small break, "mini-retirement" as he likes to call it, and travel around the world. It was kind of a reward for the last two years of hard work with my masters program.
It was a hectic couple of weeks wrapping things in DC, cleaning, packing and getting things ready to sublet our room. The last few days were a little crazy. But I think that we got things in order pretty well, and hopefully our new sublet is enjoying the room as much as we did.
After some flight delays out of Washington, we arrived in Dublin and made our way by bus to Belfast. Our friend, Paul, met us and has been hosting us at his house. The weather's been beautiful ever since we got here. It's almost not like Ireland. Jacob and I last visited in 2002 and toured Southern Ireland where it rained off and on every day of our trip.
Yesterday we were able to take a drive down the coast of Northern Ireland to the Giant's Causeway. It was beautiful. Jacob claimed an island that he found that wasn't on any of our maps. He named it after himself.

You can see the island over Jacob's shoulder in this picture.
The Giants Causeway was awesome! It was perfect weather to walk around. The rock formations were really interesting. They really look manmade rather than natural.

We have a few more days in Belfast. It's a really interesting city and Paul's been telling us a lot of the history. I'll post of the murals that the city is known for next time.
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